Service from the Heart......

O U R  N E W S 

by Felix Health Team 16 Mar, 2020
As you are all aware, the UK has been infected with the Corona Virus, with its rapid speed of infection and associated risks, it is best to prepare ourselves for the coming months. 

What we know so far?
The virus has now been identified in over 1,400 individuals within the UK, with an actual predicted minimum  infected rate of at least 10,000 individuals.
However, despite the global pandemic and sudden onset. 
Don't panic!
Did you know the recovery rate was 98%? 
About 80-85% infected show only mild, cold like symptoms.
The elderly, vulnerable and those with underlying health conditions however, do need to take extra precaution.

How can you and your loved ones stay safe?
  • Firstly, wash you hands! A basic yet extremely effective way of reducing your chances of harbouring the bacteria and passing it on, is to wash your hands as often as you can, for 20 seconds.  
  • Second, catch it and bin sneeze into a tissue, if you don't have one use your sleeve, this will prevent the bacteria from spreading,  as it will not be on your hands and will not travel through the air onto other objects.
  • If you have cold/flu like symptoms, yet are still able to function, you are advised to self-isolate for 7 days. This should also include reducing close contact with others in the household.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, when in public spaces and without having washed your hands.
  • Aim to keep an antibacterial gel or wipes on your person when out in public to use, should hand wash not be available.
  • Stay away from any vulnerable individuals, only come into contact wit them freshly washed and having not been out in public, and do not have any close contact with them should you show any symptoms or have any doubts as to close contact with an infected individual.

Self-isolation and avoidance of the vulnerable may seem extreme, however a week or 2 of excess precaution could prevent the potential spread of the infection to hundreds.

how can we help you?
Self-isolation and diagnosis can be scary and lonely, however you are not alone.

We've sat together to come up with the best way we can support both our current clients and anyone else in this time of needs.
We are offering a range of services, which include:
  • Self-isolation support
  • Shopping service support
  • Personal care support
  • Advice and support
  • Isolation companionship

For further information or advice as to how we can help and support you, contact us on 0208 088 2205 or

by Felix Health Team 03 Jan, 2020
Meet our team!

All working in this industry for the passion we have towards our clients, we have built a team who have the genuine understanding of 'Service from the Heart'.

A key aspect from the beginning of putting Felix Health together was ensuring we had the right team of individuals who have a strong mindset and understanding as to what Care truly means.

We promise to hold our principles throughout all services and communication we provide, ensuring all our clients and carers are happy day to day.

Approachable , Kindness, and trustworthy are the key traits we're proud to say we ensure each staff member has. I'm sure you will get to know each of us more personally as time goes on. 

For now we wish you all A Happy New Year 2020.

Felix Health Team

by Felix Health Team 16 Oct, 2019
Welcome to our Felix Health community.
by Felix Health Team 24 Sept, 2019
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